
Ruby can be downloaded and installed using railsinstaller. Railsinstaller is an installer for Rails and all it dependencies on windows.

Railsinstaller will install Ruby with some other packages:

  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • Bundler
  • Git
  • Sqlite
  • TinyTDS
  • SQL Server Support
  • DevKit


Railsinstaller can be downloaded from Select Ruby 2.3 or higher.

Railsinstaller website
Image 1.4.1 - Railsinstaller website
Railsinstaller Setup - License Agreement
Image 1.4.2 - Railsinstaller Setup - License Agreement

In the last step, uncheck 'Configure git and ssh when installation has completed'. Git and SSH should already be configured from previous courses.

Completing the Railsinstaller Setup Wizard
Image 1.4.3 - Completing the Railsinstaller Setup Wizard

You should then test if everything is installed successfully by opening powershell and typing the following command:

ruby --version

You should get the installed version if everything is ok.

ruby 2.3.3p222 (2016-11-21 revision 56859) [i386-mingw32]
Check version in PowerShell
Image 1.4.4 - Check version in PowerShell

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